At Refreshment UK, we are passionate about bringing mission to the heart of a community and providing a hub where churches can work together to provide help and hope seven days a week.
Our amazing vision for the 400 Club is to buy 7 buildings and a training centre across the UK to make this happen.

We have found that when people are in need, even late at night, they are looking for place that is open. When Simon from Refreshment was in that position, the church couldn't provide that.
God then planted a desire in his heart to work to set up places where people could find help and hope when they most needed it.

Refreshment UK set out to encourage and equip people in discipleship. For nearly a decade, we have has been based in Blackpool at the Refresh Centre and welcomed over a thousand people from across the world to be inspired to live out their faith.
Alongside that, our mission hub in the centre of Blackpool is available seven days a week and is life-changing for those that use it.

Now, in 2025, we have been presented with the opportunity to buy both buildings and are setting out on an adventurous fundraising mission to do that, enabling us to provide a rent-free existence for the team in Blackpool. The Refresh Centre will host a discipleship programme for ex-offenders and the hub in Blackpool will continue to be a haven for those managing their mental health.

Not only in Blackpool do we see a need for this and our ambitious plan is to raise £3 million from our appeal.
That way, we can plant a further 6 hubs across the UK. Each hub will aim to provide help and hope in their community and unite the local church to serve in mission.

By 2030, and completing our appeal, we can buy all of the buildings required and have 8 active mission hubs running in Blackpool, Hinckley, the South Coast, the Midlands, Wales and Scotland.
Joining the 400 Club helps to make this vision reality.